Thursday, May 14, 2009


I hate it how, especially in America, we try to label our beliefs into two different parties:  Republican or Democrat.  And I say beliefs and not political beliefs because we make assumptions often merely on one's beliefs.  For example, if you're a Christian, you're Republican, and if you're not, you're Democrat.

I'm a Christian, but I hate those hard-core, doom's day, scare tactics people use in politics.
I'm pro-life, not because I don't understand a woman's position, but because murder is wrong.
I'm pro gun control because I think it creates more harm than good.
I'm pro-capitalism, and I'm pro-universal health care.
I'm pro-privacy, and I'm pro-protection, but not always at the expense of privacy.
I'm pro-free speech, and pro-tolerance, but not at the expense of free speech.
I'm pro-government assisitance for the needy (i.e. Medicaid), but only for the truly needy.

And I hate it when people make surface judgements.  "You're a Christian?  So you voted for McCain, right?"  "What, you voted for O'Bama?  I thought you were a Christian!  You know he's pro-choice, right?"

This is who I am, this is what I believe.  This is ME.  

So what am I?  Democrat?  Republican?  Both?  In between?  Neither?  

My anwser?  I'm just a citizen, doing his duty for the well-being of his beloved country, voting not based on party lines, tradition, or pressure, but only on my deep-rooted convictions in a way to promote a democratic society.

1 comment:

ccollier said...

Amen to that. I agree 100%. I had a really hard time with the recent election. I'm still a little divided on universal healthcare, though. I am more for it than against it (especially as far as helping the needy goes--that's definitely a plus), but I've heard the other perspective too and they have good points too. I think people who go into medicine for the money would be against universal healthcare (although according to my tutor who is British, docs in the UK get PAID and have awesome hours, but they don't help patients very well), but those of us who are in it to help people and don't care so much about the paycheck are a little more pro-helping poor folks.