Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Was it even real?

My time at college was great.  I was slow at opening up, but I eventually become vulnerable and created some incredible friendships.  I studied hard, and became involved in a range of clubs and activities, even took on a few leaderships roles.  I developed some life goals and started pursuing them.  Through it all, I really felt like I knew what I wanted, who I wanted to be, what I wanted to be.  I was focosued, happy, determined, carefree, confident, and......well, a completely different person than I had been prior to college.  When I would visit home on the weekends or breaks, it was kinda strange because I felt like I had changed internally, like I wasn't the same person anymore but my family didn't realize it yet.  

But now, after having graduated a year ago, it seems like the whole process is reversing itself, much to my dismay.  I've applied twice to medical school, without success.  I'm going to try one more time...but maybe it's not what I'm supposed to do?  But why is it that everything I have done up to this point has led me to this?  I really feel like it's my calling in life, so why doesn't it happen?  

In the meantime, I've been working a full time job, but I don't really like it.  I love some of the people I work with, but others not so much.  I barely get more than minimum wage (college degree for what??) and everything I earn goes to bills and gas.  Everything.  And I have very little respect for the manager because he has yet to correct a billing error on my payroll, which he has known about for 6 months now.  I just feel very underappreciated.  How do they expect me to want to stay when the incentive is a .12 cent raise?  Yeah, 12 CENTS.  I just have to keep telling myself, "at least I have a job..."

Plus, since coming back from school it's hard not to feel a bit isolated.  Living on campus, I was surrounded by friends and things to do.  But back home, the friends base comes from high school, and learn that you have very few close high school friends.  And it can be hard to do stuff when people are getting married right and left, working full time jobs, or out of the country :/ (but luckily coming home sooooon!)  

Sorry, just had to get all that out.  On the bright side, hoping 3rd time's the charm, looking at better-paying jobs in my profession, and going on a roadtrip to New England with two best buds in a few weeks :)

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