Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fasting and Dreams

Yeah, so the facebook fast has officially ended.  If I had to blame it on anyone (besides myself, of course), it'd have to be Caitlin.  See, although I wasn't checking my facebook, I still got all those tempting email updates.  So when I saw that she had posted a pic of me, and then there were a lot of comments, I just couldn't resist.  So yeah Caitlin, it's your fault.  Oh well, thankfully I have freedom in Christ!

On another note...what do you think of dreams?  Do you put much stock in them?  Take them seriously?  I believe that people can sometimes have prophetic dreams, and I definitely think God can speak to people through dreams.  So, anyway, the other day I prayed about just that, that God would help me to remember my dreams.  (I NEVER EVER EVER remember them.)  So the next morning, I kid you not, I remember the exact details of my dream.  And it was definitely a dream I'd like to come true, about receiving a letter from certain school with certain good news!


ccollier said...

So sorry about making you break your fast. My bad. I just thought the little friends picture was pretty cute.

Anyway, I'm a big believer in dreams. I had a teacher one time who was really in to dream psychology, and she actually commented that she had prayed for dreams at times when she was trying to figure out tough things in her life.

I go through spells where I dream a lot and I remember them, and then I don't remember them for a while. My big rule of thumb is to not trust formulaic dream interpretations. The dream was in your head, so interpret according to what the different things in it mean to you. But at times it is helpful to look up some symbols. For example, I had like 5 dreams about bears in a row one time. I looked it up and thought about it for a while, and they all ended up being about something I couldn't "bear". Funny how our minds work. But yeah, if you're having a hard time figuring a dream out, I usually pray for another dream that might clarify it. And it also helps to talk to someone who knows you really well. Sometimes they can call you out about things that you're not willing to admit to yourself (that your dream is trying to make you see).

So yeah, I am all for dreams. I have several friends who call me up every once in a while and ask me what I think about a weird dream. I really like trying to figure them out.

M. Jones said...

Look at you, you little Joseph, you.