Saturday, December 1, 2007


Here's why I'm ahhhhhhhhhhing....I have a ton of stuff to do this week. Yes, I acknowledge that this is nothing but a post of me complaining, but I just wanted to get it all out. Plus, writing this out will help me remember what I've got to do.

Meet SCP group to go make group presentation
Work on all the following stuff that's due this week..

SCP response paper due (and I have no idea what I'm going to write it on)
Presentation to Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors
French response paper due about a movie we watched last week

Judge Alex II science fair projects
Micro lab notebooks due (all 13,000 write ups, that is)

French presentation, that she just told us about Friday

Micro unknown paper due

10 page research paper due about how healthcare inequalities affect the homeless-nope, haven't started it yet

So, yeah, this week's gonna be CRAZY

1 comment:

ccollier said...

yeah, so I definitely forgot to change the due date for the unknowns to Thursday on my calendar. that pretty much made my day. I just had a conversation with my mom that was similar to your post. Complaining about all the crap I have to get done and how I've had ADD all day. ugh. Yeah, so... if you're going to Mabel tomorrow, how's about bringing those labs along so I can get them from ya? That'd be great.