Thursday, January 17, 2008

You Are Loved-Hope's Call

Have you ever felt the Father’s love
As He holds you in His arms
When you start to say I’m sorry
He says you’ve done nothing wrong
Have you failed to meet the standards that you thought you should attain
Only to hear Him call your name, saying

You are loved beyond your failures
You are loved beyond your past
The hope that you’ve imagined
Is now reality at last
You are loved with no conditions
You are loved with no remorse
The scars of your forgiveness
Are engraved upon the Lord
You are loved

Have you seen your life be torn apart
By things you could not help
Until you finally reach the point
Where you could only blame yourself
Have you laid your head to sleep
And think you’ll always be alone
Then waken to His voice calling you home,
He says

Chorus repeat

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