Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stress, Stress, Stress

Uhh. Just need to vent. Here's what's making me stressed out at the moment.

-Registration. Blah. Registering for classes always makes me stressed in general, but this time even more so. The ONE class I need, and HAVE to take now so I can start the nursing program on time, Anatamy and Physiology, is closed. All 10 sections. Every one. And it's not like I've been a slacker and just now decided to register. I did as soon as I could. Um, problem.

-Credtis. Speaking of classes, ABAC tranfered a lot of my credit from Mercer. Everything was pretty much ok, but they're trying to jip me on some stuff. They transferred my Intro to Bio classes as some lower-level credits at ABAC. Excuse me, and no offense, but I think my Bio credits at a prestigious 4-year university is at least equivalant and probably trumps the Bio at a 2-year community college. Just saying. Oh, and they also won't give me credit for the 300 level art class I took to take the place of their 100 level art class required. Logical? No. Anyway, I'll be meeting with the Registrar soon to sort this all out.

-Bills. So, all of a sudden these bill collectors started calling me saying I was delinquent on my student loan payments. At first I thought they maybe had the wrong number, because I always make my payments. Turns out, they applied both of my two loan payments to only one loan instead of two separate payments for the different loans, therefore putting one of my loans in delinquent status. Not cool. Now I have bill collectors calling me, and my credit's probably going to get screwed. And they STILL HAVEN'T GOT IT FIXED. Honestly, is this how you treat people who actually pay bills on time?!?

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