Friday, January 9, 2009

Velvet Elvis

I've heard several people recommend Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, but I just never read it. The other day, however, it caught my eye at the bookstore and I decided to buy it. Plus it was 50% off. Anyway, I'm about half way through, and he's got some really good points in there. One thing I like is when he talks about salvation. He discusses how many people tend to view it as a legal transaction only. And it's ok to think of it that way, in fact the language used in Ephesians 1:13-14 utilizes legal terms. But his point is that you shouldn't stop there. Salvation isn't just about Jesus saving you at the cross. It isn't merely a once-for-all deal, it's more of a process. God doesn't only want to cover up our sins, He wants to restore us to the person He originally planned for us to be. As Christians, our goal isn't to not sin, it's to live like Jesus.

Another really cool point is about letting go of the past and moving on in your life, but that can't be done until we properly deal with our problems. Or as Bell so eloquently puts it, "For Jesus to heal my soul, I have to stare my junk right in the face." You know what I mean, we all have those really big issues we struggle with. Those things we don't talk about, we're ashamed of, the things we ignore and think that by doing so it will just go away miraculously. Well, you can't really get past those things until you face them and own up to them in Christ. And I kinda understand what he's talking about here. I've recently tackled some "junk" in my life (but not all!) and have experienced both healing and freedom.

Well, like I said, he has some good points, so I look forward to reading the rest of the book.

1 comment:

ccollier said...

This sounds similar to what Beth Moore talks about in Breaking Free. She talks about breaking down our strongholds and set the captive in us free through Christ. It's really good. The only problem is that a lot of the time in things like this they tell us we need to stare our junk in the face but they don't really tell us how to start doing that. I've never read any of Rob Bell's stuff because I've heard he can be a little weird. Was it really good? I've been listening to a lot of Mark Driscoll podcasts again. He gets me all excited about Jesus.