Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Moe Hope

How do you convey to someone what it means to hope? To hope in God? To know, and trust, and rely on Him? It can be very challenging to break through to someone who's heart is so hardened by hopelessness, despair, and suffering.

Moe is a guy some friends and I met under a bridge last Fall. He was drunk when we talked to him, but still somewhat coherent. You see, he struggles with alcoholism, but he only does it to drown away his troubles. That's what he told us, anyway, once we had offered him some food and broken the ice a little bit. He served two tours in Vietnam, saw things I could never imagine, made choices I could never make. He'd been to Hell and back, as he put it. Later on, he lost his wife and daughter, the only family that he had. That's when the real struggle with alcoholism began. He is qualified as a painter, and had plenty of work, but you can imagine how downward spiral unfolded until he found himself under a bridge.

We tried to tell him about God, how He cares for him more than he realizes, how He loves him, how He longs for Moe to know Him intimately. How he can have hope in God. It didn't appear that he believed a word of it. "How can God allow this? How can God allow my daughter to die? How could He allow me to live like this?" I struggled myself. What did I know? I have know idea what it means to suffer, to have my family and friends and job taken away from me, to have to daily look for shelter and sustenance. How could I, a pampered, well-fed, loved person blessed beyond comprehension possibly know what it meant to struggle with these things? Would I have hope if I were in his shoes?

It was a struggle indeed. Did I believe in God's Sovereignty? That He is in control, and knows all, and works through everything that happens to us? We tried to explain the Sovereignty of God to Moe, but once again, he just couldn't grasp it. Later that day when we left, we were all pretty down. We felt like we hadn't gotten through to him, hadn't conveyed that wonderful hope we have in Christ through His righteousness.

And then before we knew it, it was time to go home for Christmas. We all went back to our comfortable homes with our comfortable families eating our comfortable food and sleeping in our comfortable beds. After having come back to school, though, we went out to find our friends again. Luckily, we found a dear friend our our's, Regina, who gave us some information about Moe that gave us great hope.

She said that Moe had been asking about us over the break, wondering where his "little friends" were. She told us that it meant an incredibly lot to him, more than we know, that we met him and talked with him. She said that he felt that we really cared for him, that we really loved him. Well, I was just blown away by this, and immediately started to both praise God for His sovereignty and to repent for my doubts.

The sad news, however, was that Moe was now in the hopital. So, she told us the room number and we went yesterday to go and see him. It took him a second to realize who we were, but he was really overjoyed to see us. He had stepped on a nail a few months ago, but waited to long to go to the hospital, and it had been giving him problems ever since. Sadly, because of infections and gangreen, I suppose, they are going to have to amputate three of his toes. We brought him flowers, a card, and a candy bar (which really made him happy!). The most amazing part though was our conversation with him. One person with told him that "as horrible as this may sound Moe, and as bad as things seem right now with you in the hospital, I hope you can see how God is working through this. I believe that God may have allowed this to happen so that you could get off the streets, break free from alcoholism, and get your life back together." I completely agreed. The hospital staff had given him some numbers to call and resources where he could get clothes, food, housing, help with bills, etc. We were all so excited about this, about the turn of events, how we could see God moving. We tried to instill in Moe a sense of hope, and I think he is beginning to see it.

"And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."
1 Peter 5:10

Friday, January 18, 2008

I Run-Forty Days

We sang this at Overflow, and it was flippin awesome, but I can't find it on iTunes. Alas, iTunes, you have let me down...
I've never had a day like this,
when things become so clear & I can feel you here

I've never had to pray like this;
it's all that I can do to see me through the fear

But when my faith begins to fail me,
and I can't find my way

I run, I fall into the arms of my Father,
into a Love like no other

I walk, I crawl; it doesn't matter how I get here only that I can be here at all

All that seems to cloud my mind,
is how can be I strong, and how do I move on

But I know You will never fail me,
You will be my way


I will call upon You,
Lord You are worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Check this out.

This is a really cool post about the adulterous woman:


You Are Loved-Hope's Call

Have you ever felt the Father’s love
As He holds you in His arms
When you start to say I’m sorry
He says you’ve done nothing wrong
Have you failed to meet the standards that you thought you should attain
Only to hear Him call your name, saying

You are loved beyond your failures
You are loved beyond your past
The hope that you’ve imagined
Is now reality at last
You are loved with no conditions
You are loved with no remorse
The scars of your forgiveness
Are engraved upon the Lord
You are loved

Have you seen your life be torn apart
By things you could not help
Until you finally reach the point
Where you could only blame yourself
Have you laid your head to sleep
And think you’ll always be alone
Then waken to His voice calling you home,
He says

Chorus repeat