Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pour L'amour du café

I haven't posted in a while so here's what's up...I'm currently sitting in Java City sipping on some coffee, which I love. Mmm, yes, coffee is my addiction. I've been hooked since the beginning though, ever since my Grannie would make me coffee as a tot.

Anyway, I'm just chillin, studying for a Microbiology test. Other than that, not too much going on. I also have a French Test on Wednesday, and it's going to be completely oral, so that's kinda scary...

So, church was pretty much awesome today. It was something that I really needed to hear. The power of Christ's resurrection, and the freedom that comes through that. I know that's pretty basic, but it was so refreshing to hear it again.

Well, I suppose that's about it for now.


ccollier said...

I really liked the sermon today, too, but I had some questions about it though. Anyway...

M. Jones said...

like what....?

ccollier said...

Just random stuff. For example, he kept saying stuff like, "Christ can free you from bondage from X, Y, Z..." (like the story about the homosexual guy) but he never really said how that happens. I mean, he talked about salvation freeing us from sin, but he never really recognized the fact that there are many Christians out there who are still bound by something. He didn't address them and how they can change. So that bothered me. Other than that, I liked it. Especially that video in the beginning...

M. Jones said...

Yeah, I see what you mean, but I think he did answer how, it was just kind of brief. He mentioned Romans 3 in talking about the homosexual man, and how once we are in Christ we are a new creation. The old is gone. Those homosexual bonds (or whatever else) are gone. That doesn't mean you won't struggle anymore with temptation, nor does it mean you won't sin anymore. But the thing is that you are a new man, completely redeemed and free. Christ came to give us freedom, and freedom is what we have (Isaiah 61:1, Galations 5:1). We we do continue to give in to those sins that bring us back into bondage, however, it shows several things. For one thing, it could show our lack of faith and trust in God, that he has COMPLETELY set us free. From that point on we CHOOSE to put ourselves back into bondage. It also can show that we often forget that we have been REDEEMED and don't have to live that old life anymore.

I know that may not be the best answer, but there's no 1-2-3 steps to getting out of bondage. In fact, there's only one: salvation in Christ alone. Now, the hard part is battling ourselves, and not giving in to Satan's lies. I believe that continuing in sin and struggling with bondage truly is an internal struggle. It is when we remember Christ resurrection, however, and His complete conquering of sin and bondage, that we realize the grace and freedom we have and are able to climb out of that pit that we PUT OURSELVES IN.

M. Jones said...

So, a few mistakes:

-should be Romans 6
-"WHEN WE do continue to give in to those sins that bring us back into bondage, however, it shows several things..."

ccollier said...

Yeah, I see what you're saying, but with some things it's a lot easier said than done...

M. Jones said...

Oh, no doubt, it's certainly not easy, but far too often we forget the life-changing spirit of power, love, and self-discipline we have in us given by God (2 Timothy 1:7). We simply don't believe we can change.