Friday, September 28, 2007

Half Century Club

So tonight I had to work an event for the Mercer Ambassadors. It's called the Half Century Club, and it's for alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago. My duty was to ride the trolley back and forth from the Hilton Garden Inn with the old people (sorry, but they were kinda old). It was pretty neat and I was tripping out on some of the stories they were telling me. About how girls had to wear raincoats when walking to the gym, even if it wasn't raining, because they couldn't show anything above their ankles. About how chapel in those days was required. About the pranks they used to pull on themselves and on Wesleyan. And then I got to eat with them, and it was actually pretty good. I mean, it was still catered by Aramark, but at least they used seasoning and fully cooked the vegetables.

Let's see, what else. Oh, I was on TV Wednesday! Yeah, it was quite exciting. A cameraman from the local NBC station was out there when we had See You At The Pole. You can watch the ghettofied version on facebook.

I'm kinda home alone this weekend and it makes me sad. Most of my roomies left me :( No, it's ok though because I'm still gonna hang out with some peeps. Tomorrow a bunch of us are going out to eat a an Indian restaurant here in town, so I'm excited about that because I've never had Indian food before.

Besides that I plan on getting a lot of work done. I have a French test Monday that I've got to study for. Also, I need to write my senior capstone paper, read for microbiology, come up with some survey questions, do my laundry, go to the grocery store, fill out med school applications, and do my graduation application...hmmm I hope I can fit that all in. I tend to have the habit of planning too many things in too little time.

So, I'm definitely studying now in the UC and I'm bored out of my mind, which is why I'm blogging and facebooking. Peace...

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