Monday, July 16, 2007

The Lone Summer Post

Yeah, so I haven't posted all summer. Big deal! J/k. Anyway, here's a few random, bulleted points of what I've been doing.

-Ok, first of all, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is only three days away, and I'm like about to die. I am anxiously awaiting the seventh and final book of the HP series. So who's it gonna be...Harry or Voldemort? My prediction: Harry's going to live of course! You can't end a series like that with evil triumphing!

-Besides that, what have I been doing? Well, I started shadowing an ER doc at a hospital, because that's what I wanna be. Let me tell you, it's been pretty spiffy. I'm attracted to the ER because of it being so unpredictable.

-Well, before I can be a doctor, I have to devote four years of my life to med school, and admission to that requires taking the MCAT. So, yeah, I studied up for that the first half of my summer and took it June 15th. I'm supposed to be getting my score in like 24 hours so I'm kinda nervous about that...

-And, to bring us up to date to today, God taught me something really cool this morning. He taught me..........the gospel. You might think, "Matthew, you're a Christian, you should know what the gospel is..." Well, I did, and I do, but God really made a connection with me today that made me understand it so much better. Everytime I used to hear the word gospel, I would think about the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and what they contained, the teachings of Christ. Well, I was reading today in Galatians 3 and God shed light on something that I'm sure for most people is obvious, but for me it really was a revelation. In this passage, Paul is admonishing the Galatians for so quickly forgetting their new relationship and freedom in Christ and exchanging it for bondage through the law. Paul brings up the OT patriarch Abraham to make his point (v. 5-9). He explains that Abraham was counted righteous not by works but by his unwavering faith in God. And then it's so cool because Paul says that because of this, the Scripture foresees how the Gentiles would be justified and saved--through faith in God. So many times in the NT the people are told to not forget the gospel they were taught, to not turn to any other teachings, and at the beginning of this letter Paul says the same thing. And today we muddy things up so much, saying you've got to do this, got to be like this, got to give up this, and got to act like this to be saved, to be a Christian. But that is NOT the gospel. The gospel was revealed long ago to Abraham, and is still the same today. We are justified by faith (that's it) in Jesus Christ, are sealed with His Spirit, and are imputed with His righteousness (Galatians 3:5-9, Habakkuk 2:4, Ephesians 1:13-14, Romans 4:22-25).

1 comment:

ccollier said...

So, I had a similar revelation, and believe it or not, I had it in Mercer's New Testament class. The part about salvation from faith coming from Abraham had never really occurred to me until I read that, but it's really cool. And then you can read all that in light of Hebrews 11 and James, and it's even cooler how everything always works together.