Thursday, January 7, 2010


It's 2010! A new decade! My third, actually...whoa that's weird to think I'll be 30 in 2016... Anyway, getting ready to start back up in school. This is my last week of working for real full time (40 hours) versus minimum-full-time-where-I-still-get-benefits (30 hours), which I'll start next week. I have classes on Tuesday and Thursday, so I'll work MWF. So to get 30 hours, that means I'll be working 10 hour shifts...yuck. But hey, my car doesn't pay for itself. Gotta do what you gotta do.

Strangely, I'm excited to get back into classes. What can I say, I'm a stickler for learning. And I really love anatomy. The other class I'm taking is a doozie. Just an Intro to Computers that's required for a degree. Pretty lame actually. I've grown up on computers, PC and mac, taken tons of classes in high school, and know how to work pretty much every program. But alas, these are the things we do to get degrees. I guess it wouldn't really bother me if it weren't for the fact that I'm paying for to pay $450 learning how to do things I already know how to do is a little absurd.

Hmm what else. Oh, I created a tumblr account to use as my photography blog! I hope to put some more work into it soon. Right now most of my pics are on my PC, and I just haven't had the time to get them transferred to my mac. There are a few things up now though. You can check it out here. I really like tumblr because it has a lot of functionality...I just wish you could add little boxes/widgets like with blogger, so I could have a "contact me" section, etc. Still trying to figure that out...