Monday, March 30, 2009

Say Hello to Socialism

Well, hopefully not, at least not all aspects of it.  But what's up with our government firing people at will?  The government has not right to fire CEOs.  

"Obama spoke after the White House forced GM CEO and Chairman Rick Wagoner to step down. The president said the move was not a "condemnation" of the chairman -- rather a "recognition that it will take a new vision and new direction to create the GM of the future." 

He said his interest lies in giving the company the opportunity to make "much-needed changes" so that it can emerge profitable and competitive. 

"Let me be clear. The United States government has no interest in running GM. We have no intention of running GM," Obama said. " (

What?  Are you serious?  WHAT??  Now don't get me wrong, the guy needed to be fired, because apparently he's doing a pretty crappy job, but should that be done by the President???  This is not good.......

Monday, March 23, 2009

Engagement Photos

So, this was my first attemp at "professional" photography.  Luckily, it was for my cousin, so the stakes weren't quite so high.  I was still really nervous though and didn't really know what I was doing.  I think the biggest mistake though was the timing:  we met in the late afternoon, so the sunlight and shadows were brutal.  You can tell that in the pics.  Oh well, at least now I now that's not the best time for portraits!  Oh, and for any hardcore peeps, these were shot with a Nikon D40 with the built in flash.  Anyway, here's a few of my favorites...

(ok so these aren't good thumbnails...make sure you click on it to see the whole pic!!)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

wedding dress

This is a great song by Derek Webb.  I hadn't heard it in a long time, until the other day when I was riding around with a friend.  

If you could love me as a wife 
and for my wedding gift, your life 
Should that be all I'd ever need 
or is there more I'm looking for 

and should I read between the lines 
and look for blessings in disguise 
To make me handsome, rich, and wise 
Is that really what you want 

I am a whore I do confess 
But I put you on just like a wedding dress 
and I run down the aisle 
and I run down the aisle 
I'm a prodigal with no way home 
but I put you on just like a ring of gold 
and I run down the aisle to you 

So could you love this bastard child 
Though I don't trust you to provide 
With one hand in a pot of gold 
and with the other in your side 

I am so easily satisfied 
by the call of lovers so less wild 
That I would take a little cash 
Over your very flesh and blood 

Because money cannot buy 
a husband's jealous eye 
When you have knowingly deceived his wife 

It reminds me a lot of the book of Hosea, and um, my life in general, haha.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fasting and Dreams

Yeah, so the facebook fast has officially ended.  If I had to blame it on anyone (besides myself, of course), it'd have to be Caitlin.  See, although I wasn't checking my facebook, I still got all those tempting email updates.  So when I saw that she had posted a pic of me, and then there were a lot of comments, I just couldn't resist.  So yeah Caitlin, it's your fault.  Oh well, thankfully I have freedom in Christ!

On another note...what do you think of dreams?  Do you put much stock in them?  Take them seriously?  I believe that people can sometimes have prophetic dreams, and I definitely think God can speak to people through dreams.  So, anyway, the other day I prayed about just that, that God would help me to remember my dreams.  (I NEVER EVER EVER remember them.)  So the next morning, I kid you not, I remember the exact details of my dream.  And it was definitely a dream I'd like to come true, about receiving a letter from certain school with certain good news!